Friday, February 11, 2011

Stolen Photograph

L.A. gallery, THIS: Los Angeles, has released a plea for the return of a photograph stolen after an opening at their space a few days ago.  Regardless of there being any chance that posting it here would boost its chances of being found, I wanted to post it because it's a great portrait nonetheless.

Lent from the personal collection of actor Jason Lee, the missing photograph is an 8" x 10" Polaroid picture of actor and artist Dennis Hopper, who passed away last year.  Being that it was shot on a large format camera with Polaroid film, this photograph was the only copy in existence.  Jason is offering a reward of $25,000 for the return of the photograph.

Besides being an actor in many original and influential films like Easy Rider, Rebel Without a Cause, Blue Velvet, and Apocalypse Now, Dennis was also an accomplished painter and photographer.

One of my favorite photographs by him, Double Standard, was also used to title a retrospective show of his work last year at the LA Museum of Contemporary Art.

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