Friday, May 06, 2011

Strange Electronics 2

Chicago art space, Enemy, will showcase new music produced by circuit bending and other techniques in a show titled, Strange Electronics 2: Realtime A/V and Hardware Hacking, tonight Friday in Wicker Park.

Here's the lineup for tonight...
Cracked Ray Tube: Kyle Evans and James Connolly

Battleship: Zachary Mark and Jeff Milam

Arcanebolt: Mark Beasley, Tamas Kemenzcy, and Alex Inglizian

Monica Panzarino performing with Becky Grajeda and Emilie Crewe

and Vaudeo Signal: Ben Baker-Smith and Evan Kuhl

Strange Electronics 2: Realtime A/V and Hardware
at Enemy
1550 N Milwaukee, 3rd floor
Friday, May 6, 2011
9pm to midnight

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